Danu Pratama - Web developer based in Jakarta

Ja·karta [dʒəˈkɑːtə]

My name is Danu Pratama — I am a web programmer, working on projects ranging from small to medium scale. I focus on creating visually appealing, responsive, and well-functioning web interfaces. Additionally, I am capable of building complete web applications with both frontend and backend development.
— My Journey. (2021)
Everything I have done, small or big, has been a vital stepping stone for where I am today.

I participated in an internship as a web application developer, where I completed the design of a prototype for a stadium tour ticket booking app using the Laravel framework.

I initiated my journey by acquiring a deep understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for frontend development. Over time, I advanced towards mastering backend development utilizing the Laravel framework, and I also embraced ReactJS for building dynamic user interfaces.